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8 Items
jar, Bombay School of Art, India, 1800-1879Flat base that gradually widens into the body and then narrows to the neck. The neck then flares out to the rim. Floral design in dark and light blue on white ground
bowl lid, Nigerian, 1800-1878Large Gourd Cover, buff, worked animal decoration. Incised decoration on inner and outer surfaces. Lid has stem at top and is has incised decoration of 4 birds
gelede mask, Nigerian, 1800-1878Carved from one piece of wood. Cranial area carved to represent hair and is pigmented black. The eyes are pierced and pigmented white with red rims
ifa bowl, Nigerian, 1800-1878Ifa bowl. Shallow dish held aloft by seated female figure. Applied blue, white, yellow and red pigments. Carved from a single piece of wood
ifa cup and cover, Nigerian, 188-1878Wooden cup and cover with divinatory figure on top. To contain seeds used by priests of Ifa in divination
female initiation mask, Sierra Leone, 1800-1900Mende Mask, carved wood; made to fit over the head, helmet-wise; the lower rim, in front, is pierced to hold a fringe of grass or hair
figurines, Pueblo Indian, 1850-1900Three bottles with neck and mouth in shape of birds head with open beak; earthenware painted creamy-white with the birds features
figurine, Pueblo Indian, 1850-1900Bottle with neck and mouth in shape of birds head with open beak; earthenware painted creamy-white with the birds features and a bold abstract design painted in black; terracotta red on the base