The Summons to Surrender (An Incident in the Spanish Armada)Artist: Cole, George Vicat - Title: The Summons to Surrender (An Incident in the Spanish Armada) - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 191.1 x 306.1
Brig Drifting Ashore off BamboroughArtist: Hayes, Edwin - Title: Brig Drifting Ashore off Bamborough, Northumberland (Bamborough Castle, Northumberland with a Wreck) - Date: 1875 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 76.8 x 127.3
St Marys, Scilly IslesArtist: Edwards, Edwin - Title: St Mary s, Scilly Isles - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 66 x 144.8
After Three Days GaleArtist: Ellis, Edwin - Title: After Three Days Gale - Date: 1885 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 102.5 x 193.5
Boats in a Gale off Ostend, BelgiumArtist: Hayes, Edwin - Title: Boats in a Gale off Ostend, Belgium - Date: 1875 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 76.2 x 127
Mont Orgueil Castle, JerseyArtist: Webb, James - Title: Mont Orgueil Castle, Jersey - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 20.3 x 40.6
Sea PieceArtist: Vincent, George - Title: Sea Piece - Date: 1827 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 50.2 x 68.6
Fishing Boats at SeaArtist: Weber, Theodor Alexander - Title: Fishing Boats at Sea - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 85.1 x 133.4