The RainbowArtist: Whaite, Henry Clarence - Title: The Rainbow - Date: 1862 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 139.7 x 241.6
The Chess PlayersArtist: Lonsdale, James - Title: The Chess Players - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 142.2 x 111.8
Sicilian PuppetsArtist: Freedman, Barnett - Title: Sicilian Puppets - Date: 1933 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 100.3 x 62.2
Miss Muriel Pratt in the Role of Fanny in Hindle Wakes - Rowley SmartOil on Canvas 91.4 x 71.1
Boys Playing Duckstone - Robert JamesOil on Canvas 59.7 x 76.2
LandscapeArtist: Dawson, Henry - Title: Landscape - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 30.5 x 45.7
The Golden BoughArtist: Hart, James Turpin - Title: The Golden Bough - Date: c.1866 - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Wood 15.2 x 20.3
Girl with a CatArtist: Opie, John (attributed to) - Title: Girl with a Cat - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 76.2 x 64.8
The Opening Scene in Philip James Baileys FestusArtist: MacCallum, Andrew - Title: The Opening Scene in Philip James Baileys Festus - Date: N/A - Original Medium and Size: Oil on Canvas 72.4 x 92.1